
Amidst the recent political debates, you may have felt as disinterested as I did. It's not because I don't care about the future of our country. Rather, it's because I've lost faith in the men and women that lead our country. It seems no one strives to make a difference once the ballots have been counted. Or maybe it's because our government has become so big and powerful, the men and women who try to make a difference are snuffed out by the professional politicians and men with deep pockets.

It seems the constant bickering between Democrats, Republicans, and the Tea Party folks is dividing our country rather than uniting it. You would think that in a progressive society, we would cherish lessons learned from the past and build upon them; not waste our time trying to disprove them or by telling ourselves the teachers weren't fully informed. I'm talking about one of the most famous phrases in American history; a phrase that perhaps adorns the offices of many of the Congress men and women now so venomously divided.

"A house divided against itself, cannot stand," said Mr. Lincoln.

Remember our past. Remember our teachers. Don't reverence them in one breath and then dishonor them in the next by thinking you know the real answer to the puzzle.

Gettysburg Address from Adam Gault on Vimeo.

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